The Dark Knight Rises – best movie of 2012?

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If you haven’t seen The Dark Knight Rises yet, you really need to.  It’s the best movie we’ve seen so far in 2012. (To be fair — we haven’t seen Lincoln or Zero Dark Thirty yet. So we’ll see. But still).

Christian Bale returns for the third time as the title character.  But when we first find him, he’s not quite the heroic knight and Gotham defender we’ve come to know and love. He’s a recluse, in hiding after having falsely assumed the blame for the death of D.A. Harvey Dent.

Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne in The Dark Knight Rises

Christian Bale as Bruce Wayne

It will take the emergence of Bane, a masked terrorist who utilizes many of the same theatrical techniques as Batman himself, to make the Dark Knight rise again.

Before seeing the movie, we were dubious about the casting of wholesome Anne Hathaway as the dark and sexy Catwoman.  However, she pulls of the role to great effect.  Joseph Gordon Levitt, Tom Hardy, Gary Oldman and Marion Cotillard round out the fabulous supporting cast.

Check this movie out today, if you can get your hands on it! Or add yourself to the waiting list for it, and in the meantime, check out Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. You’ll have an even greater appreciation for the 3rd movie in the series if you watch all three in close succession. We highly recommended it!

The Dark Knight Rises is our “You Gotta Check This Out” pick of the week!